New product launches are an art and a science. Consumers have moved beyond traditional forms of engagement and they have much higher expectations towards brands to amuse and entertain them.
Have you noticed those black billboards spread allover Cairo streets labeled “Her Charisma” (In Arabic: ليها كاريزما) ?
A black billboard, and only two words, build excitement and expectations through consumer curiosity. That’s what Egyptians saw and tried to guess what’s behind that mysterious advertising campaign. The teaser campaign tricky date made some people guess it’s a new TV series or movie and maybe it has a feminine heroic role. Some other guessed it may be a new resort preparing for a unique lifestyle in the coming summer.
Actually after a while, we’ve noticed online advertisements too with the same message, and it a new case to see such advertisements referring to a Facebook account with the same message, Leha Karisma!
The official campaign website will direct you to Facebook Account that will tell you some intriguing features about the product !
The brand owner for Her Charisma challenging advertising campaign contacted Think Marketing insider for exclusive announcement as we should anticipate a larger, full-blown campaign for a product launch on 10th of June.
Maybe few days from now and we’ll discover that feminine personality that all these ads talk about her charisma.