[dropcap style=”2″ color=”#f50a0a” text=”T”]he butter of any learning strategy or module focuses on a core statement that is “LEARN TO BE PROACTIVE”. Learn to anticipate mistakes so as to avoid them. In any field of work, there exists a list of “don’ts” that if smartly applied save us from falling in a slippery slope where a single seemingly innocuous mistake can without fuel drag numerous others. Here, we provide you with 20 vital mistakes that you should learn to anticipate and avoid.
1. Lack of research
Research should be the only reliable source for any novel approach we want to implement. The research practitioner model is the most successful profile in any field of expertise. Before starting any project, dig profoundly in scholarly peer-reviewed research articles, posts, reviews or analytical reports. Go thoroughly through them and search for what intrigues you in it. From this point, the start can be. I believe outdated information and lack of research are major mistakes in marketing that lead to compiled flaws and majorly weaken the credibility of any marketing strategy.
2. No Specific Marketing Goals
Define exactly the outcome you want your marketing to produce. Do you want it to be educational, entertaining, informative, or persuasive? By identifying your goals and objectives, you will be starting with a solid ground. This will make planning your business strategy easier and more focused.
3. Marketing without a USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
Your USP is what will make you one of a kind. Your USP is the factor or consideration that you will present to your customer showing that one product or service is different from and better than that of the competition.Pinpointing your USP requires some creativity and inspiration. One way to start is to analyze how other companies use their USPs to their advantage. It will make you a prudent competitor in the marketing field.
4. Failing to keep your customers forever ones
Keep in mind that when marketing 80% of your business comes from existing customers and 20% comes from new customers. Your marketing strategy should strive to take care and keep current customers, for failing to resell your current customers could have a detrimental effect on your profits. It will cost you 5 times the expense to sell to a new customer than to sell to an existing customer (true).
5. Overcomplicating the product or the service
Simplicity is the key. Simple yet creative and innovative ideas grasp the attention of your prospective customers. Make it simple to leave a dimple.
6. Un-properly trained marketing staff
Your staff should know your product/service. They should be trained how to use it and show it to the customers in the most creative yet simple way. They should love it and most importantly believe in it.
7. Building a website that is not optimized for search
Your website should be user friendly. Make it simple yet transparently informative. Make the searching options and engines in it feasible and straightforward. A prospective customer visiting your website will not have the guts to explore your website. Lead the way for your customers. Moreover, implement search engine optimization strategies that make your website more probable to be found by search engines users. It is a formula and a probability to make your website easier to find.
8. Taking viral marketing’s tactics for granted
Viral marketing is of importance; yet don’t rely merely on it. Use it as one of the easy ways to market, but know how to use it in a constructive way so as to avoid its cons. Viralmarketing has come under criticism from consumers, privacy advocates, and marketing pundits because of their concern of unsolicited e-mails that will not eventually transmit the viral message effectively and virulently; hence the best campaigns use the principles of viralmarketing tactfully to avoid negative reactions and ensure a high pass-along rate.
9. Unfinished business between you and some customers
From the beginning, make everything from A to Z clear between you and your customers. Integrity never goes wrong. Be a good listener and be always ready for open-ended communication.
10. Assuming you don’t have to market
By assuming that you don’t have to market, you are attempting a major mistake. The field of business, marketing and commerce is in constant benign growth. Every business must market itself constantly in a creative and innovative way.
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