In our region where there are major economical issues, instability, and lack of access to important resources, this opens opportunities for counterfeiters to introduce cheaper versions of genuine products; providing cheaper options which are easily accessible. Sadly that these products are not always introduced as an “alternative” rather some merchants sell them as “genuine”. It is not always the merchant transgression. He can be fooled too!!
[blockquote style=”quote” align=”right” author=”Tamer Ahmed CEO & Co-founder of Asly”]“What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” [/blockquote]A sad story behind Tamer’s innovative technology; when he was young he went with his little sister to get vaccinated and he lost her after her serum injection. Yes, sadly but true, 50% of medicine in the Middle East is counterfeited (source).
Here comes “Asly” the Arabic, Turkish, and Persian word for “Genuine”. Asly bring an innovative solution to fight counterfeit in the Middle East. The team decided to make good use of the very high penetration of mobile phones in the Middle East that is almost approaching 100%, which makes the solution accessible for entire population. How it works? It’s an easy 1-2-3 process.
Counterfeit is a serious problem regionally and globally. Not only affecting lives of consumers but also the profit of Businesses. Counterfeit products are a major contributor to business losses. From automotive spare parts, hardware, FMCGs, to software & luxury products. Asly provides a reliable solution, hard to fake but cheap to produce.
The team already secured their first deal with Debiki, a pharmaceutical manufacturer with 1M codes and started to collaborate with a wide range of different industries. Asly have a vision of making the Middle East the safest place for shopping. Being a startup based in Dubai where being the leader and number one is always the aim. They are sharing the same vision with the government to make Dubai a safe secure place for shopping for the expected 25 Million unique visitors in Expo 2020.