RiseUp, the platform that connects entrepreneurs and innovators to the most relevant resources anywhere, today announced the launch of #RISEUPMEETUPS, a series of all-year-round activities that will provide entrepreneurs with access to resources including funding, know-how, talent, tools, services, exposure and marketplace. The MeetUps are offline networking events, designed to engage various stakeholders within the ecosystem. The first of RiseUp’s 2016 MeetUps will be an exclusive one taking place at Techne Summit Alexandria on May 7th.
“Our aim with MeetUps is to help develop the entrepreneurship ecosystem through connecting entrepreneurs, exposing them, and to nurture the growing culture of entrepreneurship in the region”, said Con O’Donnell, RiseUp’s CoFounder and Business Development Head. “We’re inviting attendees, speakers and entrepreneurs attending Techne Summit to come join us at our first #RISEUPMEETUP to greet, meet, create, and repeat.”
There will be several MeetUps throughout the year, those will include regional gatherings across various entrepreneurship hubs in MENA, local gatherings in Egyptian cities nation-wide, sector-specific gatherings to discuss topics relevant to certain industries such e-commerce, energy, and tourism, and stakeholder gatherings to address current gaps and relevant challenges that impact entrepreneurship in MENA.