When you think of Japanese food, sushi is one of the first that pops into mind. Mori Sushi is celebrating their 10th anniversary in Egypt with a creative advert published on their social media and whether you are Sushi lover or not, this advert will leave you wanting more info about Sushi history as it shows hilarious and contradicting facts about Sushi history mixing Japanese, Brazilian and Egyptian flavors!
Mori Sushi has been famous for the past few years by its delicious – to the point of delirious – and happy tummy-filling #HowIRoll 50% off promotion to share their anniversary’s celebrations with their Sushi-lovers.
Yesterday, Mori Sushi has topped off their usual 50% off and stepped up their own game by posting a video featuring Sherif Fayed – the famously know for his hilarious Vines, Instagram influencer and actor- walking us in Mori Sushi’s museum, with a captivating, funny contradictions.
Do not be confused, the history of sushi began around the 8th century in Japan. The original type of sushi was first developed in Southeast Asia as a means of preserving fish in fermented rice. In the Muromachi period, people began to eat the rice as well as the fish.
Telling us about sushi’s origin “facts”, for example, how the pharaohs where the first to actually invent Sushi, then later on Mr. Mori reinvented it (pointing at a photo of Bruce Lee) then finally and thanks to Mori Sushi, they returned sushi to its homeland.
Mori Sushi 10th Anniversary Challenges Sushi lovers
Guess what?! That’s correct, Mori Sushi is challenging sushi-addicts to the biggest, funniest and most creative Mannequin Challenge at one of their branches, (Cairo, Alex, Gouna and Dubai) or any other place using any Mori Sushi element, using #Happy10thMori and of course don’t forget to tag Mori Sushi to get 50% off FOR LIFE.
Jin B. Choi, Sushi developer Chef said; “Our cuisine is not limited to location or ingredient, our cuisine is very spontaneous and a lot of our dishes are custom-made to please our customers. Sushi Mori has become a market leader in its field.”
Creativity at its best, with the incredible Egyptian taste!