When Facebook first released Engagement on Facebook Custom Audiences, it was exciting to think of the targeting possibilities. We’re now able to target those who engage with videos, lead ad forms and Facebook Canvas. We were even (temporarily) able to target people who share links to our website.
Facebook advertisers: Have you seen this?
Everyone who engaged with your Page: This includes everyone who visited your Page or engaged with your Page’s content or ads on Facebook or Messenger.
Here’s how Facebook defines each one…
Everyone who engaged with your Page: This includes everyone who visited your Page or engaged with your Page’s content or ads on Facebook or Messenger.
Anyone who visited your Page: This includes anyone who visited your Page, regardless of the actions they took.
People who engaged with any post or ad: This includes only the people who have engaged with a Page post or ad. Engagement includes reactions (Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, Angry), shares, comments, link clicks or carousel swipes.
People who clicked any call-to-action button: This includes only the people who clicked any available call-to-action button on your Page. For example “Contact Us” or “Shop Now”.
People who sent a message to your Page: This includes only the people who send a message to your Page.
People who saved your Page or any post: This includes only the people who saved your Page or a post on your Page.
How to Create Them
Go to facebook.com/ads/manager/audiences or select Audiences within your Business Manager. You can use this audience for targeting or excluding. Simply enter the name of the audience you created within the “Custom Audiences” field when editing your targeting in the ad set…
You can add geographic targeting, or since it’s a Custom Audience, you can remove all countries for the largest possible audience.
If the audience is small, you can also create a Lookalike Audience to find people similar to those who engaged with your page.
Select your audience, click the “Actions” drop-down and select “Create Lookalike.”