Dear writers out there, in this article we will tackle a struggle that we sometimes face when we’re about to start writing, it is the lack of organizing our thoughts.
If you’re a writer, you probably have been through this situation. You’re ready with your topic but you don’t know how to start and what points you will discuss. This is why we will list you few tips that will help you organize your thoughts and your piece of writing.
1- Google Your Topic
If you’re settled on the topic you will discuss then the first thing to do is research.
Some writers can feel lost when they start writing as they can’t get their minds to focus on one angle to discuss. Sometimes one angle is not enough to build a whole piece of writing. This is why every writer needs to research.
Research is the base of writing; you can never start writing about anything without proper research. This will drive thoughts into your mind and will help you form a perspective.
2- Pick Your Angle
Every topic you choose to write about has multiple angles to discuss, what will yours be?
One of the steps that will help organize your thoughts is choosing the angle of your topic that you will write about. Choosing the angle is the outcome of your research, so this the beginning of organizing what you have in mind.
You don’t have to stick to one angle, you can actually choose more than one.
3- Write An Outline
Creating an outline for your topic will help you specify the points you want to discuss in your article or any piece of writing.
An outline is a way of telling yourself how this article will go step by step. This outline will contain everything the article will include. For example, you will start with the introduction, then paragraphs, and then the conclusion. Write down what will your introduction include, how you want to end it, and repeat the same steps with the rest of the paragraphs.
4- Write Down Your Points
After choosing the angle and putting an outline, start writing down the things you want to discuss in this article.
Your article won’t tackle one point, you will have many to cover; this is why you need to write them down so you won’t forget. Keep in mind that you can include more than one point in one paragraph, so you need to spend some time on which points go together and where you should discuss them in the article.
Also, determine what you will write in the introduction and what your conclusion will include.
5- Create Headlines to Each Paragraph
Each point should be discussed in a paragraph; you can create a headline for each one.
This makes reading easier for the reader; you’re giving a hint to your audience of what the paragraph is about which will create a sense of curiosity that will make them continue reading. So, write down your headlines, as they will be your guide in the article.
6- Arrange How You Want Your Article to Look
The final step is arranging the points to give your article the final look.
Don’t overthink how your article will look and what its chronological order should be; this is the final step. After writing your article, take a final look to arrange your paragraphs. Sometimes you will find yourself moving around some paragraphs to be in the right order.
Just remember that you don’t have to do it when you start writing; spend some time organizing your thoughts and the points you will tackle, and arranging comes later.
You need to have a clear mind when you start writing; this is one of the essential keys to organizing your thoughts.