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Ever since Chat GPT and similar AI tools have become trending tools, almost most writers, content creators, and copywriters use them to help them generate content and write their articles, they just have to put some keywords and in less than a second, the article is written. Even students use it to write their college essays.
There’s no denying that Chat GPT is very beneficial and it can definitely help with creative and writer’s block but can it be an essential tool that every content creator should use? Can they actually fully depend on using Chat GPT in their writings?
There’s A Reason Why Everyone Is In Love With Chat GPT
The AI tool is a huge time saver, what you can do in a couple of hours, it can do it in a matter of seconds. Writing a piece of content can be time-consuming as you have to think of every word, every phrase, what kind of reference you will use, what kind of expression, and how you will be rephrasing this line. Chat GPT or any similar AI tool will spare the time to correct spelling and grammar mistakes
The more you use the AI tool, the more you will have more consistent articles and you will be able to maintain the same tone of voice, which is one of the most important factors in creating content. Another reason why writers love Chat GPT is its ability to literally write about any topic, whether it’s for an online magazine or social media platforms.
Should Content Creators And Writers Fully Depend On It?
The answer is definitely not.
If you will be fully dependent on Chat GPT or a similar AI tool, you will simply stop improving and developing over time.
You will suffer from a lack of creativity and you will start struggling with forming a proper phrase to express what you have in mind. Also, as much as the tool is considered a genius, it won’t be able to tackle certain topics, for example, if you want to use newsjacking or trendjacking, Chat GPT or any AI tool won’t help you.
Put in mind that if you’re a writer or a content creator, depending on AI tools won’t help you deliver the right tone, or brand persona, which is an important factor when creating content for a brand.
Also, if students depended on it then it will affect their writing skills, which will have huge consequences.
What To Do Instead?
The best way of using AI tools for content is using them for editing or rephrasing.
Don’t depend on Chat GPT or other AI tools, just use them to assist you. You can use these tools to rephrase some paragraphs you want or to suggest a better writing style. If you have an idea write it down and check what the tool will offer you, but don’t use the exact same paragraph or phrase, rewrite it to be similar to your style and tone.
Almost all content creators and writers know that they can’t fully depend on the tool but for beginners, this is extremely essential to know.
In the end, no matter how Chat GPT and AI tools develop, they will never replace writers and content creators.