Creating an advert is a very challenging and tough process, as a copywriter, you’re either creative, love challenges, and push yourself to the limit, or you’re playing it safe just to finish the project without any hassle.
Over the years we have been seeing brands play it safe and commit to one type of advert and barely change it. This type is the ingle-based advert. Whenever there’s a new campaign, there has to be a jingle.
Seeing many jingle-based adverts makes us wonder if using music appeal is increasing due to the lack of creativity.
In today’s article, we will be tackling why brands use music appeal constantly and if it is due to the lack of original ideas.
What Is Music Appeal?
The music appeal is one of 23 advertising appeals, which allows the copywriter to use jingles in adverts. Using the music appeal in adverts creates a connection with the audience, evokes emotions, and enhances the overall effectiveness of advertising, it also can grab the audience’s attention, increasing recall and memory, and influencing purchasing decisions.
Music appeal is one of the most essential appeals that are being used most of the time in adverts.
Why Is It The Most Popular Appeal?
To simply answer this question, it is because it makes the advert memorable for decades.
When the jingle resonates with the target audience, advertisers can tap into the emotional appeal of the music and evoke specific feelings that enhance the impact of the advertisement. Also, jingle-based adverts can enhance memory and recall. By incorporating jingles in advertisements, advertisers can create a memorable experience for the audience and increase the chances of the advertisement being recalled in the future.
When Should A Copywriter Use Music Appeal?
Using music appeal depends on many factors, including the brand, the type of product, the target audience, and so on.
Jingles can be used to reflect and reinforce a brand’s identity. If a brand wants to convey a certain image or personality, the choice of music can contribute to shaping that perception. Jingle-based adverts also enhance the narrative or storytelling aspect of an advertisement. they can support the key message, help build tension, or create a memorable and engaging experience for the audience.
Creating a jingle-based advert depends on understanding the preferences and tastes of the target audience is crucial. If the target audience is receptive to specific music genres or styles, incorporating them into the advertisement can help capture attention and resonate with the intended viewers.
While all of these are important factors, you should know that not all campaigns require jingles and the overuse of jingle-based adverts bores people as the audience can’t find an advert with a creative idea and a story.
Does The Overuse of Jingles Mean Lack of Creativity?
While some of the jingle-based adverts are very successful, we can’t help but wonder, “Is using jingles in adverts the easy way out of creativity?” We barely see an advert that is completely based on a story or depends on one certain appeal. The overuse of jingles makes most of the advert similar and lacks originality. Many people have expressed their opinions before on social media that they miss the old adverts and they dislike that all the adverts are jingle-based.
Advertisers can mix more than 2 appeals yet, the music one is the hero.
Unfortunately, some brands think that just because their previous jingle-based advert succeeded and went viral last time, it will happen again. This can be a sign of a lack of creativity and laziness, instead of generating creative ideas, the brand repeats itself just to achieve similar numbers
Using jingles in adverts will not guarantee the virality of the campaign, a good story with a creative idea, and a perfect execution are what make the advert unique and memorable.