One of the reasons that can push employees toward leaving their jobs is not being heard. Employees are considered to be part of the entity they work in, when they’re ignored and not taken seriously, this can make them quit and seek another place that can appreciate them and appreciate their talents.
While some employees choose to leave, others choose to fight for their right of being heard in the workplace. This is why today we will give a few tips on how to be heard at work.
1- Learn What To Say And When
You need to choose the right words and the right moment to speak or might lose your chance to participate in the meeting or communicate in the workplace.
If you’re in a meeting or just want to have a conversation with your manager about some ideas, prepare them, prepare how you will present them, what you will say to convince the listeners, and choose the right words. Choosing the right words will give you the upper hand and will put you in a controlling position.
As for choosing the right time, this means that you pick the most suitable time to present your idea, if it is in a meeting, then you need to keep up with the topic, give chances for other employees to share but don’t wait too long as the topic might change and you won’t be able to pitch your idea. Also, if your manager is busy, then you can talk to him on any other day.
2- Think About Your Language And Organize Your Thoughts
You need to speak formally and organize your thoughts according to the discussion timeline.
Your colleagues and managers won’t pay attention if you used unprofessional words while presenting your idea or stating your opinion, this is why, you need to speak like a professional. While speaking, your ideas need to be organized, don’t state too many opinions on different topics at the same time, organize them according to the timeline of the meeting or discussion. Also, don’t change the topic of the discussion, if you have another topic to discuss then request a one-to-one meeting.
3- People Might Interrupt You, Know How To Handle The Situation
It is possible that other employees or managers will interrupt you, know how to handle this situation without being rude.
Confidence is the key, prepare yourself to talk with confidence and make sure your points are clear and understood, don’t be hesitant and ramble when you talk, it will weaken your speech and ideas.
You can also build on their point; if someone interrupts you with an opinion, build on it and continue speaking. It usually can help if you asked for support from your manager or a senior colleague so you can have someone to back you up when you’re interrupted.
4- Be Persistent
Try to deliver your opinions and ideas even if you will request a one-to-one meeting with your manager.
You need to show everyone including your manager how persistent and productive you are. If you didn’t get a chance to tell everyone your ideas, then request a meeting with your manager and prepare a presentation to show him your ideas. You have to make everyone notices you and notices your work as well since you are part of the company. Make your voice heard.
5- Don’t Give Up To Quickly
Being interrupted or ignored will happen, what you need to do is not to give up and keep trying to participate in the discussion.
You need to speak up for yourself and work hard to be heard at your workplace and this is why it is necessary that you don’t give up. If you failed to be heard once then try again and again. You can ask for help from your colleagues or you can behave professionally and send an email requesting a meeting; if you didn’t get the meeting then maybe try sending your presentation.
You will know when to keep going and when to stop.
6- At A Certain Point, Consider Leaving
If all of your efforts didn’t work, consider searching for another place.
The moment you feel that all of your tries are being ignored on purpose, then it is time to search for another company where you can unleash your talents and creativity. Every employee needs a place to grow and express themselves, a company that doesn’t give a chance to its employees to be heard, won’t allow them to grow.
Remember, companies seek an employee who can be part of their success, be that employee that a company fights for them to stay.