On Social Media is area for implementing creative ideas and the more you can develop a solution that mix real world to virtual world, the more your brand look attractive. Also its always fun to get to learn something new, sometimes you see creative work that inspires you and sometimes you see the extreme opposite !
Also Read: In 2013, Gamify to Win, Not to Fail
Given the fact that competitions on Social Media is a proven technique to grab your audience awareness and one of the pillars you can rely on to create a strong Social Media Engagement Strategy, The decision of launching a competition on Social Media is always challenged by how you develop it the competition module in transparent and fair way that will not be a back door for creating fire back on your brand image.
Emirates Heights ask fans for Facebook passwords //
While Emirates Heights hosting the super star Amr Diab party next 16 of Oct. they created a competition for free tickets to generate interaction on page, a daily questions submitted and the fastest answer should be the winner. Another technique used to more crowd sourcing they nominate the winners by selecting the fans with heights number of friends likes Emirates Heights page and on 8 Oct. 11:48 PM a weird status was sent by the page stating that they will verify the numbers by logging into participants Facebook accounts !

To me, it seems like most people are running illegal contests to try to game Edgerank. And definitely there are much more better options to create contest on Social Media without asking fans for passwords or, making your brand name look very unprofessional !
I asked myself; How this will create Emirates Heights brand personality in the market ? and if Amr Diab party ticket at Emirates Heights worth giving your Facebook password ?
This status raised into my mind an intriguing question about the respect for fans privacy and soon I realized that the fatal mistake is not in this status but in planning for competition rules and ask for illegal action to nominate winners.