Disney Parks and everyone's favorite Disney characters surprised Long Island shoppers at Westfield Sunrise Center. (Credit: Disney Parks via YouTube)
Disney characters did just that when surprising unsuspecting shoppers. They hid behind a lit-up screen disguised as a store window at the Long Island, New York shopping mall.
As people walked by, the characters brilliantly became their shadow, even showing off unique dance moves and miming throwing a ball. At the end of the experience, Mickey Mouse, Minnie and more came out to greet their fans, bringing smiles to both little children and the adults.
Watch what happens when Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Ana, Elsa, Olaf, Cinderella, Buzz Lightyear and other Disney Characters magically surprise unsuspecting shoppers with their Disney Side:
Disney has proved again that the magic can be brought out in all of us, young or old.