Dirty Minds Make Everything Explicit!
Vodafone is one of the major Mobile operators in the World and is perceived in Egypt as a well established, reliable and even “rich” brand. The gigantic mobile operator has a marketing budget of an equal size. Vodafone spends millions every year on marketing campaigns and communication strategies in order to keep in touch with its mass bulk of customers.
Out of all the campaigns done and out of all the money spent the most effective campaign that boomed like never has any before was an honest slip of a tongue that turned a plain and somehow lame summer tweet into the most exciting and buzzing tweet Vodafone has ever tweeted, and all with the help of all the well trained dirty minds out there who couldn’t bypass reading:

It didn’t pass smoothly as the captured screenshots spread on social media. To make matters worse, hashtag created to publicize the Vodafone deleted tweets #GetLaidInTheShade . The hashtag recorded 309 tweets over 7hrs with 1,794,053 impressions with funny tweets mocking the brand and making fun of Vodafone Social Media team who used to brag about having the biggest fan page in Africa and Middle East till ousted by Samsung last year.
Twitter Entertainment line up: Sunday: Fifi Abdo #IceBucketChallenge Monday: Vodafone #GettingLaidintheShade Stay tuned for Tuesday’s show.
— Mona Abd-El Aziz (@Monabdelaziz) August 25, 2014
the fact that Vodafone did not make a single comment on the #gettinglaidintheshade issue makes you wonder.. are they getting laid? — Mohamed El Fouly (@MoFouly) August 25, 2014
Not only are they #Gettinglaidintheshade, but they’ve also noticed it’s summer by the end of August. And I thought only your 3G was slow.
— Rozy (@Esraa_hegazy) August 25, 2014
So someone at @VodafoneEgypt might get fired. Bet he’s gonna spend the rest of his days…. wait for it… #GettingLaidInTheShade. XD !!!!! — GTFWO.com – Dubai (@GTFWO) August 25, 2014
@VodafoneEgypt the mobile u ve called is not available at the moment, the client may be having fun at the sun or #gettinglaidintheshade
— مؤرخ مصرى (@mahmoudkamal17) August 25, 2014
Even if Vodafone Twitter account received a lot of negative feedback, we don’t expect any brand attacks or sales downgrades as Mobinil faced back in 2011 due to the famous Naguib Sawiris tweet and yet its not catastrophic like US Airways tweet which nominated to be the worst tweet in the history of Twitter.
We just wish next time you are in Vodafone store, The rep wouldn’t end your visit saying; Thank You For Coming !