Productivity is an essential part of our job and it is how we all get evaluated by our managers, it also could be the reason you stay at your job or get fired; so, being productive is required at any job in any field.
Even though productivity is required and is the essence of every job, it can have a negative effect on our health, physically and mentally. When productivity becomes harmful and destructive, it is called “Toxic Productivity”.
What’s dangerous about toxic productivity is that you can have it without even knowing; this is why, today we will tell you what toxic productivity is and how to overcome it.
What Is Toxic Productivity?
Toxic productivity is when an employee becomes obsessed with being productive to the extent it can affect his physical and mental health.
Being busy all the time and having the urge to always do something can be toxic productivity not just being busy. Having toxic productivity means that you always push yourself beyond the limit to the extent it affects your health; you’d find yourself working most of the time without a break and even when you’re sick.
Also, even when you try to take a break, you’d find yourself thinking about your work.
As we mentioned previously, toxic productivity has a negative effect on health but there are some ways you can overcome it.
Give Yourself A Break
Your mind needs to rest and disconnect from the surroundings, you owe it that.
Even machines can break down from too much work, do you think your mind and body can survive?
If you’re working according to a schedule, then you need to put in at least 15 minutes break every few hours so your mind can rest and recharge. You also need to train your mind not to think about work when you finish your working day.
Don’t Take Your Office To Your Home
This is the worst thing anyone can do, mixing work with your personal or social life will won’t have good results. Taking your work to your home will make you think about work 24/7, which will make you stressed out almost all the time.
Set to yourself a ground rule, which is work belongs to the office and personal life belongs to you, your family, and your friends.
You have to draw a line to separate both and plan for outings with friends, or a personal time to watch a movie.
Ask For Help
It’s ok to ask for help from your colleagues; managing everything and solving issues on your own will put you under huge stress.
Remember, this company doesn’t only depend on you, it depends on many more employees, so, not solving an issue won’t be the end of the world, there are other employees to solve it and there are other employees willing to help you. Teamwork can actually bring more creative solutions than thinking alone.
Organize Your Time
Organizing the time is the key to reducing the stress.
Make some room for new hobbies to practice and new skills to learn, you need to take back the life toxic productivity stole from you. Spend some more time with your family and friends; dedicate a certain time on a certain day to do whatever makes you happy, even if it is staying in bed all day.
You have to be committed to this plan and you will find yourself back to normal again.
Let More People Know What Toxic Productivity Is
If you noticed that you’re not the only one struggling with toxic productivity then raise awareness regarding the topic.
The first thing you can do is talk to your manager and tell them what you have been noticing, and also present some new ideas to reduce the employees’ feeling of failure every time.
Also, the more you gain information about toxic productivity the more it will make you aware if you have it or not.
In the end, you need to know one thing, you need to be a moderate person because everything can have a negative effect even if it is good.