We all know that no.1 priority of a digital marketer when thinking about building a brand digital identity is building a community of relevant customers and potential buyers. But! how much does it cost to build custom Facebook pages for business? According to a recent study by The Online Project (TOP), The average Facebook Fans Cost in the Middle East is 0.33$
The study, which compiled data from campaigns TOP has worked on over the past year across 8 different industries: Telecom, Consumer Goods, Automotives, Airlines, Electronics, Fashion, Banking and Finance and Public Figures; roughly concludes that the airlines, telecom and consumer goods industries have a relatively low per fan cost in the studied countries; the electronics and fashion industries on the other hand have a higher average cost; while public figures boast the lowest average cost per fan in most countries, mainly due to the fact that “people like to click on ads that contain a picture of a person, and if the face is recognizable, then it is more likely to get clicks.”
Ahmed Hemly Facebook Fan Page
On Facebook, Egyptians witnessed a curious Case when Ahmed Helmy Page dramatic increase went so fast from zero to 5.9M fans in less than a week. Actually the page jumped from 23April to 29April to reach 5,924,459 fans.
The verified fan page which announced in the cover photo its the official page in both Arabic and English seems to be the result of merging a previously developed yet non-official page to put an end to fake statements claimed for Ahmed Helmy. The page also announced the official accounts for Ahmed Hemly on Twitter and Instagram. Publishing an exclusive behind the scene picture of Hemly and the star child Nour Othman, gave an extra credibility for the page.
Facebook explains how to merge fan pages
If you’re an admin of both Pages, you may be able to merge them. This option is only available for Pages that represent the same thing and have similar names.
To merge your Pages:
- From the top of the Page you want to keep, click Edit Page
- Select Edit Settings
- Click Merge Pages and click Merge duplicate Pages
- Click to check the box next to the Page you want to merge
- Click Merge Pages
The people who like your Pages and any check-ins will be combined, but all other content such as posts, photos and the username will be permanently deleted from the Page you merge. Content on the Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who like your Page and check-ins that were merged from the other Page. The Page you don’t want to keep will be removed from Facebook, and you won’t be able to unmerge it.
Note: If you don’t see the option to merge your Pages, it means that your Pages can’t be merged at this time.