
The Best Mother's Day Campaign for 2015 #MyMothersNameIs

1 Min Read

While you walk in Cairo streets, Your eyes will easily recognize the brand campaigns for Mother’s Day. Most of the banners will urge you to buy a product as a Mother’s Day gift and some brands decided to send a message like “Shokran ya Omy” or, “Shokran Mama”. Actually both say the same meaning with few letters twist just to make you feel its a different campaign but concept still the same.

As most of brand’s Mother’s Day campaigns caught in the copy and paste trap, but actually UN Women, the global champion for women and girls started a brilliant campaign with different approach. The campaign idea is beyond saying “Thank You Mom”, It’s deeper because it’s about showing the world that you are PROUD of your mom.

For men in Egypt and in many other countries in the Middle East, there is a peculiar taboo of not disclosing one’s mother’s name in public, lest her name become a subject of shame and ridicule in public forums. Over time, her name becomes forgotten and she’s only referred to as ‘The mother of her eldest son’. UN Women’s ‘Give Mom Back Her Name’ initiative is simple yet powerful and aims to take steps to eradicate this taboo and giving mother’s in Egypt and the Middle East their names back in public fora.

As a sign of appreciation for a lifetime of love, this UN Women campaign launched a hashtag #MyMothersNameIs as one small gift: Give Mom back her name.

The campaign created by IMPACT BBDO Dubai and aims to open a larger conversation of women´s rights and gender equality in the Middle East and the world.

If you like the campaign idea, change your twitter profile picture to your mothers name and #MyMothersNameIs and let the world know she gave her all to raise you.

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