Egyptians prefer to follow political news through satellite channels – El Hayah 1 is the most watched, El-Masry El-Youm is the most read and Mona El-Shazely is their favorite TV presenter
Cairo – 31 January 2013-01-30
A survey carried out by a local company “ComStratEg” showed that 72% of the survey sample prefers to follow political news, and followed up by 33% news about art, sport news by 30%, while social news got only 6%.
According to Dalia Hamed, Managing Director of ComStratEg, the survey segments were rather representative of the Egyptian society, and it showed that television is the favorite news source for about 92% of the sample, El-Hayah1 is watched by 43%, followed by CBC by 40%.
The survey showed that 54% of the survey sample prefers to read El-Masry El-Youm daily newspaper, while 43 % watch El-Hayah1 and that Mona El-Shazely is the most favorite broadcaster followed up by Moatz El Demerdash.
The survey included almost one thousand participants and was conducted over the course of three months (August 2012, September 2012, October 2012). The company researchers, in conjunction with a number of consultants and specialists, prepared the survey questions, followed by a pilot phase to verify questions formulation and order. The required modifications were made before the survey launch, which was conducted both online and face to face.
The survey was conducted in Cairo, northern and southern governerates, Suez canal cities and Sinai. Analysis was built for the following five variables: gender, age, education level, employment and geographical distribution.
Mona El-Shazely is the favorite talk show host with a 14% of those who watch television, and Moataz El-Demerdash ranked second by 13%.
The survey showed that the most watched talk show is El-Ashera masa’an with 44%, followed by El-Hayah El-Youm with 40%.
It also showed that the most visited website is El-Youm7 newspaper by 51% of online readers of the survey sample, followed by Masrawy by 32% and as for social networking sites, Facebook came first with 82% of the participants.
The survey also addressed the credibility of both the government and private media in addition to the analysis of the pros and cons of media post- January 25. 63% of the participants expressed more trust in the private media versus 17% in state-owned media. 71% of the sample thinks that the media have double standards when dealing with events, while it was an equal percentage 41% between those who oppose and agree with media figures disclosing his/her political orientation.
ComStratEg consultancy was founded in 2010, and is based in Cairo. Since its establishment, it has managed to earn a reputation for professionalism and integrity among media reps and partners alike. Currently leads a core team of professional consultants, each with a minimum of 15 years’ experience, in media and communication and a track record in their respective field of expertise. ComStratEg is also committed to developing young professionals through annual internship programmes.
ComStratEg’s clients are from the private and public sectors as well as development, and non-governmental organizations.