A Brilliant marketing approach can be the critical factor for your success or, failure of your marketing plan. If you think marketing is all about B2B email, lead generation, social media, and advertising campaigns, then I seriously doubt if you should complete reading this article. Because there is some lessons here that show a brilliant marketing idea that never hit your mind before.
Also Read: 12 Ads Inspired by The Egyptian Civilization
The Coin Story //
“Quietly Brilliant” tagline to describe 1 Egyptian Pound coin on eBay was enough to elevate the actual price on the Egyptian Pound from 0.14$ to 6.89$. I liked the 25% discount he/she offers and seems he or, she implemented a full range of tactful yet impactful psychological techniques to trigger potential buys to hit on [Bye it Now] button. Successfully sold pieces reached 77 after taking this screen shoot which means gained in average 3713 EGP for selling 77 EGP , Funny or, Brilliant ?
Don’t think of cost, Think of value //
Just like how Volvo stopped selling cars and start marketing safety and how Coca Cola stopped selling the taste and start marketing happiness, Its no more effective marketing technique to keep highlighting the features your product or, service offers but! better move into a deeper layer and hit on the nerve delivering a value or, a solution that benefit your customer/s.
Conclusion //
One Egyptian Pound couldn’t be a valid currency outside Egypt, But! an Egyptian coin with King Tut face would attract allot of Pharaonic civilization fans who dream to visit the land of Pharaohs and for sure will gladly pay 6.89$ to get a coin its original price is 0.14$ .