Giraffe Riddle Goes Viral on Facebook Do You Know the Answer

Giraffe Riddle Goes Viral on Facebook: Do You Know the Answer?

By Think Marketing Engagement Strategy
1 Min Read

[dropcap style=”2″ color=”#f50a0a” text=”An”]emerging trend on Facebook has people changing their profile pictures to images of giraffes after failing to solve a tough riddle.

The riddle poses the question: ‘It’s 3am, the doorbell rings and you wake up. Unexpected visitors! It’s your parents and they are here for breakfast. You have strawberry jam, honey, wine, bread and cheese. What is the first thing you open?’
Facebook users who fail the challenge must change their profile picture to a photo of a giraffe and re-post the riddle, asking friends to send them a private message with the answer.

 The riddle has gone viral on Facebook and has received mixed responses from online users. While some are already tiring of the giraffe pictures, others feel that it is good to be part of a collective fun activity like this.

YouTube – Andrew Strugnell’s Channel

Facebook – Andrew Strugnell

Facebook – The Great Giraffe Challenge

The Great Giraffe Challenge – Home

If you want to try and solve the riddle, visist our Facebook page

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