As those fasting move on with their daily lives and going to work, yesterday was a day of family and love. It was also one of the most anticipated days of the holy month for those in the marketing and advertising industry.
The month long super bowl of the Middle East has begun, and here are the biggest ads that were released yesterday.
Egypt Steel; Cristiano Ronaldo gets in touch with Egypt
With so much anticipation towards Ronaldo’s visit to Egypt, many have wondered what he would do when he arrived. This ad tries to answer that question.
The video has already gained over 2.2 million views on Cristiano Ronaldo’s Facebook page, and over 2.3 million views on Egypt Steel’s page.
The video was shared by Egypt Steel from Ronaldo’s account, as well as posted three times in a short span of time. This makes many wonder, what is going on with Egypt Steel’s social media?
Not to mention, what is going on with Ronaldo in the video? Find it out in the previous article Cristiano Ronaldo visits Egypt via Green Screen
Carrier; we want to be like Mona
Carrier brings a bit of hilarity this Ramadan with this quirky and funny ad.
The ad is filled with some great script writing and some fast-paced switches, making the ad an interesting watch. To continue with the branded content, Carrier’s official Facebook page has switched their profile picture to one of the characters in the ad.
Within 16 hours, the ad has already reached over 1.1 million views on Facebook and over 20k reactions.
Vodafone; the experiences of Ramadan
Vodafone’s tendency for musical Ramadan ads is at it at again with this year’s joyful musical.
Vodafone has yet again grabbed a handful of celebrities to create a light and fun ad. Unlike the last years, in which the telecommunications company has aimed towards the theme of “Big Family,” this focuses simply on some of the common experiences fasters face.
The experiences are fun and light, and the musical lyrics do well to move the story along. Many specially seemed to have enjoyed Mr.Cooper’s Ramadan evening with his Fattah.
Also Read ➤ Ramadan 2017’s most anticipated marketing campaigns
The video has received over 2.2 million views within 15 hours, and over 110k reactions. Currently, comments seem to be very positive.
Nestle Mega; underrated yet beautifully shot
The first day of Ramadan is not only full of big hits, there are also some wonderful videos that haven’t gotten the popularity they deserve.
Although the video was released the day right before Ramadan, we’ll include it to the list due to it being so beautifully made.
Take this Nestle’s Mega Ice cream ad. It is a wonderful blend of great colors, great music, and some even greater cinematography. ”My Mega and I, only” is a great piece of advertising, a type that hasn’t really been seen in Egypt’s advertising scene.
Interested in Ramadan? ➤ ON Drama creates Egyptian Storyboards for movies “Gravity” and “the Hobbit”
The ad has received positive reactions from the public, receiving over 730K views on its third day online and over 9k reactions.
Orange; a response to a tragedy, brings smiles to many
In a response to the tragic event that happened in Minya, the telecommunications company has announced on their Facebook that they will be postponing the release of their Ramadan ad.
The was released a day, as promised, but as it was supposed to be released on the first day of Ramadan it will be added to this list.
Featuring Egyptian favorite Mohamed Henedy, this fun ad made many smile. In less than an hour of release, the ad had gained over 24k views and over 800 reactions.
Although the ad is a part of a series of ads for their new line of tariff plans, it is definitely standing out above the others. It comes with some great camera and “camera magic” tricks to help raise the ad’s fun entertainment value.
Did we miss anything? Let us know in the comments below what ads you think should be on here.