WhatsApp isn’t just for smartphones anymore. For the first time, millions of you will have the ability to use WhatsApp on your web browser as messaging platform WhatsApp has announced that users can now send messages from their desktop web browsers.
WhatsApp is available for the Web, in a form that pairs the mobile version of the app to a user’s desktop computer.To connect your web browser to your WhatsApp client, simply open https://web.whatsapp.com in your Google Chrome browser. You will see a QR code — scan the code inside of WhatsApp, and you’re ready to go. You have now paired WhatsApp on your phone with the WhatsApp web client.
Only users who currently access WhatsApp on non-Apple devices will be able to use the desktop client !
WhatsApp is one of the world’s largest messaging platforms, but concerns have been raised about how it plans to increase its user base in addition to how it will make money.
Currently, the company charges a $0.99 (65p) annual fee to users who sign up to the service after their first 12 months of using it.