A wise man once said: Don’t get caught without a social media page, but it’s even worse to get caught with negative feedback caused by your nonsense communication messages on social media. It’s advised that brands limit the communication to professional tune, but only normal posts can get normal results. It’s always daring to add some spicy flavor for your digital presence.
Etisalat Misr joke published on Solar Eclipse was a little bit risky, worth the risk?
Think of social media like this: If you walk into the center of a crowded room, and then cover your ears with your hands, people don’t stop talking; you only stop hearing what they’re already saying.
– Amy Neumann, Director Audience Targeting/ SMO/ Content Marketing, Northeast Ohio Media Group
Digital teams should be aware of the problem/s arise on social media and take immediate action/s to handle the problem/s. Based on findings below, Etisalat Social Media news-jacking failure generated a viral negative impact while Etisalat did not respond and decided to keep silent. Just like what Vodafone Egypt did few months ago in Tweetbomb. Etisalat Misr decided to hide the post, but it was too late as everyone already knew about it.
@EtisalatMisr بدل اللطافه اللي انتو عاملينها على كسوف الشمس شوفوا المشاكل اللي ف الشبكة
— 7MZAWY (@A7MED_7MZA) March 20, 2015
هي نقصاكوا مش كفاية ان النت بطيء ومفيش signal!
@EtisalatMisr pic.twitter.com/NtrNZyaCUS
— Jimmy (@mojamaleldin) March 20, 2015
.@EtisalatMisr pic.twitter.com/LQ86aTW53h
— H (@Hamdiko_) March 20, 2015
بعد الألش الزبالة دة
انا عندى خط اتصالات هولع فيه
@EtisalatMisr pic.twitter.com/XhcPdyC4af
— PhiliP ® (@PhilipWagdy) March 20, 2015
أوحش نكته ممكن اشوفها.
@EtisalatMisr pic.twitter.com/ljwJPY0FDc
— Z. (@Zyad_Mohamed95) March 20, 2015
حذفتوها ليه يا ادمن ههههههههههه pic.twitter.com/w7HQR1DxoH
— 🇪🇬 Sara Fahmy (@sarafahmmy) March 20, 2015
@EtisalatMisr تن ترارا تن تن pic.twitter.com/nrUO0aUfD6
— Essam Hattem (@Essamhattem) March 20, 2015
Etisalat Misr social media eclipse massive negative feedback would be explained as the digital team got the feeling of being funny without having the sense of humor to socialize. Newsjacking is not limited to funny posts and you may review 7 successful brands used the same event to get publicity on social media using logic in smart stories.
What we can learn:
- You can’t please all the people all the time. Not all consequences of social media News-jacking are good ones.
- When it comes to sense of humor with Egyptians, You better post something really funny.
- What you post on social media, stays on social media and hiding your post will not change the fact that you did publish something really astonishing.
- Arguing with Facebook users is always a bad idea but hiding criticism only make things worse.
- Big brands should consider a creative mind for social media as copywriters and editors not being good enough!