
Duck Mania; having fun stalking Mountain View’s giant duck?

By Think Marketing Social Media
2 Min Read

After the end of the Ramadan marketing race, summer may typically be a slow time for marketing, but that hasn’t stopped some savvy brands from using this less-competitive time period to launch creative campaigns that stand out.

While Vodafone and Pepsi are focusing on Amr Diab’s new album teaser; for other brands, summer can be a great time to get customers engaged, as warm weather leaves many feeling energized and spontaneous.

Last week, a huge rubber duck was spotted in Cairo, why?

Mountain View seems to be fascinated by giant creatures, after bringing Hulk to lead their Ramadan Campaign few years ago, Mountain View starts its summer campaign with a big hit and brought a huge rubber dunk into the Nile.

The reputable real estate giant has come to use a new approach by creating a Giant Rubber Duck to travel its way through Cairo’s Nile, and finally reach its summer destination at Mountain View Ras El Hekma in Sahel.


Giant Duck in the Nile or, Guerrilla Marketing?

You’re already aware that your customers are the lifeblood of your business. And that’s why it’s important that you engage with them. Some brands are seeking ways to engage better with customers but others want to keep their customers surprised and delighted.

If your summer campaign did not leave something remarkable to be remembered, perhaps it’s time you get a bit more creative and when the classic strategies aren’t creating enough engagement, you send in the guerrillas or a giant yellow duck!


The “True Essence of Summer” Campaign:

Summer is most people’s favorite season because the weather allows them to live spontaneously. Once in awhile, in a stressful lifestyle, we need reminding of what summer really means.

As we enter July, the most eventful month of the summer, Mountain View created The Giant Duck Aka “El Batta” concept to revive our childhood memories. And guess what? Its also the unique Guerrilla Marketing tactic used by Mountain View as part of “True Essence of Summer” campaign.

Implementing Guerrilla marketing is a great alternative to traditional marketing. The Giant Rubber Duck concept is meant to thrive on original thinking and creativity, where imagination and ingenuity beat out big budgets.

Fun Fact:

In 1992, a Chinese cargo ship travelling from Hong Kong to United States lost 350 containers overboard during a storm. Among the lost containers were a range of bath toys including ducks.

It is claimed that some 28,800 ducks were released into the ocean and they have been travelling around the world for at least a decade. The Rubber Duck idea has been always recognized around the world as a source of happiness and many countries across the world have used the rubber duck concept for different purposes and in many different ways in that context.

Mountain View, took the duck as an emblem of happiness one step further via creating an Egyptian version inspired by the happy childhood memories from a nostalgic point of view, as a symbol of our childhood first water toy, reviving the true essence of summer as we knew it.


How Social Media Celebrated “El Batta”?

When a guerrilla marketing campaign is executed successfully, you’ll probably hear about it. The huge duck moving in the Nile created a noticeable buzz on social media platforms on the hashtag “#لو_كنت_بطه_هتعمل_ايه “.

Happy memories are what make people feel more optimistic about about their lives; and the Giant Duck campaign has come delivering an experience that helps us all relive our happy childhood memories, and to bring a smile to our faces.

Stalking El Batta all the way from Cairo to El Sahel? 

People are even having so much fun that they end up mixing swans with ducks!

And Gaber El Aroumty couldn’t miss the chance to bring his own ducks on air:


The duck currently enjoying its stay at the luxury beachfront community. People have ran, driven and even swam to Mountain View’s Ras El Hikma in Sahel; all to catch a glimpse of the smiling yellow giant.

You still have the chance to take a selfie with the giant duck and capture the ‘True Essence Of Summer’ at Mountain View’s Ras El Hikma until 15th of August.


Come and share with us your thoughts on summer’s biggest mascot in the comments below. What was your favorite campaign of the summer?

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