Digital Fasting made easy: Inertia revives the Ramadan spirit once more

By Think Marketing Ramadan 2019
1 Min Read

No matter how many want to deny it, we all know that we check on our phones a little too much. While digitalization has helped us connect with far away friends and family, navigate the world around us and simply made many things easier, we can also see that it has become harder and harder to separate ourselves from our phones and computers for long.

Dozens of studies have stated just how addictive phones can be, such as a Dscout study that specified that the average phone user touches his/her phone 2,617 time every day and this info graphic that shows that we spend 5+ years of our lives on social media alone.

To help fight back against our obsession with our phones and digital devices, real estate developer Inertia is teaming up once more with the Egyptian Food Bank helping us shake off a bad habit that will not only allow us to spend actual time with our loved ones but to also contribute to a good cause. In the first weekend of Ramadan where the activation was held in Bocca Eatery and Social House, Crave and Platform; 700 meals were donated to unprivileged families


Digital Fasting for Good

A digital fast is all about letting go of your digital devices to become more involved with the present around you, and that is what Inertia is aiming to do with its now 3-year running Ramadan initiative hand in hand with Egyptian Food Bank.

The initiative has safe boxes in addition to a charging portable station in several locations where people can lock their phones while being charged in the latter. The idea is simple; for every 30 minutes a device is inside a box, 4 meals will be automatically donated for the unprivileged during the holy month of Ramadan.

The boxes and the charging station will encourage individuals to have less screen time by fasting from their mobile phones that are safely being kept away.

The initiative aligns with the brand’s focus on community and the important Ramadan theme of charity. This movement was created to encourage youth and elders to start having real connections with their loved ones once again, thus disconnecting to connect.

The activation will be running active throughout all 4 weekends of Ramadan, in different locations.

For next weekend; they will be in Capital Promenade, Crave Waterway, Serena Eatery (The Platform). Stay tuned to Inertia’s social media pages to stay posted.

Do you know how much you spend on the phone when out with friends and family? Are you willing to do a short digital fast to help others? Let us know in the comments.

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