Feats and acts of superhuman abilities are usually best left in the imagination of the movies; dreams of having superpowers are always best left as dreams and to be watched on TV. But in truth, we humans are far more capable than we seem.
For years, we have heard and tried hard not to believe stories of super-human powers. There have been news stories of mothers lifting cars to save their children, of people pulling trucks with their teeth, of a man who ate an entire plane!
Super powers are among us, maybe not the types we wish we had, but they are there, which makes these videos both believable and unbelievable.
Super Powers Viral Buzz: Planned or Spontaneous?
PR is a great way to strengthen business relationships, increase brand awareness & enhance your brand image. We all know that a good PR campaign will forever go down in history.
Designed to look like a normal video, first video came particularly striking on the idea of superhuman abilities to make us wonder, superpowers . Do really exists?
Egyptian youth with superpowers…. Because, of course, they can. And they do. Every single day.
Social Media wondered at the video; hoax or not?
Dozens of posts chimed in with their own perspectives.
The digital media buzz did not only grab the attention of social media users and influencers, but also reaching broadcasters, such as Nogoom FM and Al Nahar TV, who wondered what the phenomenon that demonstrated social media platforms could be.
More tactical moves:
Because one video is not enough, while superpowers strength is something that we have seen before in real life, nothing prepared us for this X-Man Mutant wannabe.
So, Who is behind the new Superpowers? Vodafone Egypt!
Naturally, word of mouth is the aim of any PR stunt, with many big brands using the approach as an alternative to expensive digital ads.
Being super isn’t just a dream, and not a special talent anymore. Vodafone’s newest PR stunt has captured many online viewers, reaching over 14 million online users and over 7 million in offline coverage.
It was a clever PR stunt, and one that resulted in a fair bit of positive chatter on social media. It also may be one of the most inclusive PR stunts ever witnessed in 2017 on the Egyptian digital media scale.
The teaser campaign also received hundreds of comments and engagement, ranging from disbelief and anger to comically funny comments.
What puts them together? #خليك_فليكس تعمل أكتر
Vodafone Flex’s plan gives its customers superpowers in terms of their phone usage, by letting customers have an unlimited use of WhatsApp until the end of their normal bundles.
Making it easy for users to stay in contact with everyone, being the superhero everyone needs when they are feeling down.
Think that this was a clever way of teasing the masses? Let us know in the comments below.