[dropcap style=”2″ color=”#f50a0a” text=”AN”] imaginary business proposal for the exclusive coverage for Morsi Trial. This is non-political thought and hopefully, this shared ideas would inspire you to see the same facts from marketing point of view and to start Think Marketing.
[blockquote style=”quote” align=”” author=”Nate Silver, Founder of FiveThirtyEight”]We must become more comfortable with probability and uncertainty.[/blockquote]
Morsi’s Trial On Air with sponsors and online, offline ads,
Sponsorship Packages:
– Sponsor’s logo on the dock.
– Sponsor’s logo on the defendants T-shirts.
– Logo on the front cover of case papers file.
– Three full-pages color advertisement in case papers file.
– Judgment passes for 10 attendees.
– Sponsor’s logo on the official Judgment Banner (100cm * 150cm).
– Info disk in the front of the main gate of the court,
– Put sponsor’s logo on all online and offline marketing campaigns.
– 3 advertising with duration 1 minutes every one hour on the TV.
Not sure how much this package worth investment, can you imagine ?