[dropcap style=”2″ color=”#f50a0a” text=”An”]15-years old Egyptian student has succeeded in discovering two gaps in Facebook website. He was awarded for his discovery and waiting for determining the special reward for detecting the second gap. The gap was in the easiness and quickness of adding the new email and activating it without asking for the confirmation of the password, and that’s why he was awarded 500$ from Facebook rewards Program.
The ethical pirate “Mazen Gamal Abdel Kader”, student in the first secondary grade”, has stated that the first gap which he was rewarded upon was enabling the usage of adding new email address to the user’s account to control it.
Mazen said to “Arabic IT News Portal” that his passion towards the internet security and Facebook rewards Program was the major motive for him to enter the ethical piracy world. He confirmed that he only started learning finding out social networking sites gaps 6 months ago before detecting his first gap on January 24th.
The risk in the second gap which he reported the security Facebook team about few days before, was in the ability of internet attackers to cancel the phone number of any Facebook account without the permission of account owner, the thing which disagrees with Facebook policy.
The Egyptian student, who plans to study Communications Engineering or Computing, says that he is going to discover more gaps whether in Facebook or other sites like Google or Twitter, as they introduce profitable rewards programs for ethical hacker.
Notably, Mazen has discovered several gaps before I various sites; two of them were in Wattpad which publishes e-books.
This discovered glitches in Facebook will be put him in the honor list of “ethical hacker” for social network.